Thursday, February 11, 2010

Commercial Jingles (Class Activity)

Commercial Jingles that stuck with me as a kid:

Sock em Boppers Commercial (my brother & I enjoyed these) This commercial made us laugh all of the time because it showed a bunch of kids fighting with these huge inflated "boxer glove" like toys. The first time we got to play with these was a lot of fun and we enjoyed using the simple yet fun toy. The jingle is very catchy and if you're a kid watching this, it is very appealing. The jingle sticks in your head and every time the commercial comes on you can't help but sing a long. It's promoted in the commercial that Sock em Boppers are fun, which to a child is a very good thing and something that you want. "It's more fun than a pillow fight". Watching this commercial years later I laughed, it was a fun thing for my brother & I to play with as kids and didn't hurt to use when playing around, which was a bonus for mom.

I thought that these two commercials were pretty funny as well. The double mint gum commercials used to play on my TV over and over when I was younger and the theme song is catchy. I used to sing a long with the 90s commercial song just about every time it appeared on my television. I liked that there were always twins used in the commercial and so forth to promote the double mint gum. The jingle between the two commercials changed between the 70s and 90s to appeal to the audience but the message is still the same. Double Mint Gum 90s Double Mint Gum 70s

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